Category: Writers

The First Employee at Chrysan Industries

One Saturday in November 1977, I was bending over the sink in the tiny lab cleaning the beakers for the next experiments. “Bang, bang.“ Loud knocking sounded on the front door of the plant from outside on Mt. Elliot Street. Mmm, on Saturday morning?  I wasn’t expecting anyone today. Wiping my hands on paper towels, …

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Curse-ive Writing

Have you ever been reading a book and been jarred by the use of a curse word?  While I believe that swearing is something to avoid as a matter of personal virtue, I understand the dramatic effect and occasional necessity to a storyline.  However, sometimes the use of curse words doesn’t fit with the story, …

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Plot, Plot, Plotting Along

An architect needs a solid plot of land to build his house. Only a plot can render a view. All of the detailed plans and beautiful drawings are just pretty pictures without it. The same can be said about all fiction. No matter how well rounded and sympathetic – or just plain pathetic – the …

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Why Go to Switzerland?

Just as suspense keeps a story going and your audience interested, there comes a point when you have to tell them what happened. You have to answer the questions you’ve implied or asked directly earlier in the piece. Why did Abram insist on stopping off in Switzerland first and then coming to America second? The …

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Yes, you can publish a book

My thoughts on self-publishing   What is stopping you from publishing your book?  You are. I have self-published two books so far, and I am thrilled about it.  With the introduction of eReaders, writers have complete freedom in their craft.  You have the ability to post anything online through a blog and various social media, …

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