An Experiment

digital_book_thumbnailHot Blacktop started as an experiment. I wanted to find out if I could produce a well-devised chapter each month. On July 10th, 2015 I did just that. The journey has been fulfilling. I’ve written, with the help of my editor, Phil, a work that I’m proud of to call a success.

Now that I’ve finished the novella, what comes next? Dipping my toes into an ocean caught in an ever-expanding maelstrom of indie authors that have decided not to go the traditional route is a scary endeavor in my designs for success. Is it better to query several agents knowing the outcome could be a quick toss from the slush pile to the trash after reading the first sentence of the novella or listening to voice from a surprise phone call hearing someone tell me they’re interested in my work?

The first is common. The second is rare but more satisfying. Is it a safer to get my work up in e-book format and see what happens, knowing that it’s finally out there in the world of e-commerce so people can read it right away, no chance that it will be rejected and not seen at all? In the back of my mind, these questions have had me waffling all year. My brain feels like I’ve been balancing one foot on a thin board while my arms get heavier and heavier with the weight of each decision as I rebalance myself. It was a difficult decision.

Finally, I decided to take the leap. I’ve started the process to e-publish. A few of my writer friends have already jumped in, and it seemed painless if not time-consuming, and they appear to be happy with the outcome. So I’m going to reach forward with long strokes and swim in the sea of indie romance writers, and hope that I gain a following, hope that readers like what I have to offer, and hope that Hot Blacktop becomes a success.

Coming in January 2017 the full novella,
Hot Blacktop by Wendi Knape

Also coming in January, The Hot Blacktop series continues with Christof and Megan in:
Hot Turns


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    • Kelly Bixby on December 7, 2016 at 11:53 pm
    • Reply

    Wendi, you’re very talented and driven. I believe you will be extremely successful with your e-book. Have you looked into printing on demand too? Some of us readers like to turn pages . . . .

  1. Huge accomplishment, Wendi! E-pub may be the only choice for Hot Blacktop since it is already out there. I waited until the end to read your story. Back to July 2015 for me.

    1. I hope you like it!

  2. Next month I’ll tell you what’s coming in the future. Excited!

  3. Great, Wendi,
    Can’t wait until it comes out!

    1. Thank you Phil, I couldn’t have done it without you.

    • Yibbity on November 10, 2016 at 8:38 am
    • Reply

    Ready and waiting to read what comes next.

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