Editor’s Log: 6+1 Traits for Writers

About 12 years ago, the Deadwood Writers did a 2-part workshop on the 6+1 Traits for Writing. The thinking was to use the language of the traits in our critique sessions, so that the feedback conversations were on point regarding author craft. Today, those conversations continue to be influenced by the Traits. Admittedly, we do need a refresher. The group membership has evolved, there is a core of stalwarts from the time of the workshop, and later established members who came on board after those sessions.

When sharing a writing piece for feedback, the writer shares questions for feedback. When based on the Traits, as the following excerpt from their site shows:

The feedback from the group is more targeted and supportive. There are always opinions to be shared. Conversations within the scope of one of these areas helps ensure that the feedback can be substantive and use text evidence from the writer’s work. This helps the writer reflect on how the feedback aligns to their work.

In posts that follow, I will take a closer look at each of these traits for how best to support the work of the Deadwood Writers, and other groups that are interested in this approach to conversations.



    • Karen Kittrell on March 8, 2018 at 6:42 am
    • Reply

    You wrote a great post – nice presentation and content.

    • Barbara Pattee on March 1, 2018 at 8:22 am
    • Reply

    Thanks, John, for the refresher. This should help with creating our manuscripts as well as conducting our critiquing sessions.

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