Tag: romance

Soft, Hard, Harder

When you think romance novel, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Sex, right? Now don’t get distracted visualizing. As the title suggests, sex scenes come in different levels. They can even lean toward a softer side, the more graphic content eliminated. Each has their place in the pages you write. So let’s look …

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Born that way?

“It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way.” – Ernest Hemingway Some writers seem to be born with a gift for writing with passions that evoke strong emotions, while others soothe you with their serene words. But only you, the writer, knows whether …

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Normal Becomes Paranormal

Paranormal romance ideas can spark from many places and ignite into something wondrous. You as the writer can light that flame of imagination and let it grow into a wildfire. From the simplest things like a key or even a pen, ideas can flourish from ordinary into something amazing. An example of an everyday item …

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