Wendi Knape

Most commented posts

  1. Writer’s Block: 8 Strategies to Bust Out — 10 comments
  2. A Picture is worth a Thousand Words — 10 comments
  3. Finding the Mind of a Villain — 9 comments
  4. A Talisman, a Tool — 8 comments
  5. Fear — 8 comments

Author's posts

Dancing on Stilts

The paradigm shift was like a blast to the heart of me, peeling back the shadows that have long lingered, filtering in the sun and enlightening my mind. It hasn’t happened at the best time. The shift starts to move, its future on stilts. A small man with dollar signs for eyes looks up at …

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A Talisman, a Tool

What does a tarot deck, an athame, a grimoire, silver and a cross have in common? I’m sure you can guess. They all are tools used in the paranormal trade that are staples in any number of different manuscripts. But how do your characters use them, and how can you as a writer find authentic …

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Writer’s Block: 8 Strategies to Bust Out

In my last blog, A Picture is worth a Thousand Words, I talked about free writing. The pictures I used sparked my imagination, but pictures aren’t the only way to get out of a creative rut, they were just one example. Writers know that a slide into the white abyss of a blank page will …

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A Picture is worth a Thousand Words

When you read the title, A Picture is worth a Thousand Words, I bet most of you think of an award-winning photo. Maybe you think of the famous photo in Times Square with the sailor kissing the girl on V – J Day. Or, maybe it’s the little girl running naked and burned after the …

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The Monarch

In my last blog Clarity I talked about how much my work has improved since I started writing. What you don’t know is the inspiration that started my writing journey was a monarch butterfly. Laid off from an at-will company (the company didn’t have to tell me why they let me go) in 2003, I …

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