I had one of those ah-ha!, slap-your-head-with-the-palm-of-your-hand-*duh* moments recently. This time, that moment was about writing. An article I read discussed ways to improve your writing. In your first draft, the most important thing is to get the words down in whatever perfect or jumbled form you can. The revision stage is where you get …
Category: Editing & Revision
Apr 06
Have No Fear
“Don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.” Randy Rubin How many times have you thought about writing a story, poem, essay, or memoir and failed to even try. How many times have you questioned your desire to write and thought, “What’s the use? No one will want to read my work.” Do …
Feb 18
The Writer’s Life
I have been a writer since age 5, but it has taken years for others to realize that. I was always a writer, or, more directly, I was always writing. The act of writing does make one a writer, but the subtleties of that are profound. Writing is an activity that kids do as a …